Below is a link to an article out today off the MSN.com news website from The New York Times, warning that teacher cuts are just a "new economic reality" and districts have no choice to cut jobs without any money to pay teachers. It doesn't end with teacher lay-offs, schools are being closed, programs are cut, class sizes enlarged, and school days and weeks are going to be shortened to help save money. Charlotte-Meck's own superintendent, Peter Gorman is even interviewed and quoted for the article stating, "We are doing things and considering options I never thought I'd have to consider." What other options can he possibly be considering? Having teacher's volunteer their time, oh wait! They already work furlough days! Gorman and the Char-Meck school system is expected to cut 600 of the district's 9,4000 teachers, when they had already laid off 120 teachers last year. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is right this is an "education catastrophe!"
This is a state of emergency for our country, and like we discussed last week, Americans can raise millions of dollars for Haiti relief (not that I am knocking that), but what about raising money for our children's school systems? To keep their teachers in the classrooms? Where is the $100 billion in emergency education financing that was passed in the economic stimulus bill from February of 2009? Have we already gone through that money, or are they saving it for a rainy day? Look outside America, it's POURING! I'm with Senator Tom Harkin from Iowa, he proposed a $23 billion school bail out bill last week to help with holding off the lay-offs. I don't believe that districts need to "learn to live with less" like Mr. Petrilli states in this article, the government needs to bail us out and help until districts are well enough to stand on their own two feet. I do believe that raising the excise tax on beer, wine and cigarettes might be the way to go, but only time will tell what ideas lawmakers will come up with to save our schools.
Is anyone embarrassed yet? What must the rest of the world think? We have a hard enough time reaching the children who need us the most. What will happen to little Tommy now that he has 39 other students competing for his teacher's time? Teacher's Aide, what Teacher's Aide? I hope that Harkin's bill is passed. Write your senators now!!!!!!!!
The sad part of all this is that alot of teachers would stay and take furlough days if they thought someone actually cared. Tax the cigarettes. Tax a penny on liquor.
We need to rethink and revamp every system of our government and our country. See you tonight!
I do not mind if they raise taxes on boose, cigs or fast food. Even sales tax would be ok to me. It is getting to the point that it is embarrissing.
As we know, funding for education doesn't seem to be a priority. If our kids aren't be adequately taught because of the lack of the necessary essentials, how does the government expect them to effectively and efficiently take over the many professions of America? Or is that just left to the elite?
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