Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More reforms for SC schools?

This is an article discussing implementing changes in our schools Palmetto Achievement Challenge Tests, PACT, and accountability in general. Seemingly very much supported, this bill proposes to make changes to the Education Accountability Act. Originally, the law requires students in grades third through eighth to have annual testing. The new changes would mean that students PACT testing could be broken up into sections, allowing for faster test results. Exit exams would be replaced with course end tests and annual report cards would be changed for easier reading would also be implemented by this reform.
This could be tied into our reading on school reform and how the schools change reform themselves. I agree with a statement the book makes commenting that if teachers work collaboratively with each other and with policy advocates, sharing goals and tactics, supporting each other in assessing progress, then such an approach to school improvement could work better than mandates from above. This becoming a group/school effort could achieve many goals without having to have a law stating it.

1 comment:

NakiaPope said...

Given that PACT tests are also the assessments with SC uses to comply with NCLB, I wonder how they intend to meet compliance if they eliminate PACT tests.

Good job of tying it into the reading. Excellent post.