Friday, May 2, 2008

Good and Bad Procrastination

I was looking for a good link to post as one of my last two posts and discovered this article entitled “Good and Bad Procrastination.” According to Paul Graham procrastination can be good or bad. As we are coming down to the last days of the semester it just makes me chuckle to think that I could be doing some good procrastination. Graham states that one form of good procrastination is ignoring the small errands while working on something big. I think that we can all see how we are all guilty of this. I admit that this blog took the back burner while I was working on more time consuming projects for other classes, including the paper. Large projects require “big chunks of time and the right mood” to work on and I found this fact quite true. Graham goes on to talk about errands and how we can use running errands as bad procrastination to put off some big problem we are working on. He says you, “…only have to interrupt someone a couple of times a day before they’re unable to work on a hard problem at all.” I found this statement to be true because I get so easily distracted that I have a hard time getting back to the task at hand. You guys should read this it’s a good article.


joeeichel said...

Thanks for providing that link. I did not know there was such a thing as "good" procrastination. What it said about "the right mood" to do a big important project is on the money; I can't seem to get in the right mood to do big projects especially if they are not very interesting. I have been a type B procrastinator this semester but At least I get stuff done. I think everyone could get a good idea of where they stand in the procrastination field by reading this article.

joeeichel said...
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NakiaPope said...

I am a big fan of the Getting Things Done method of organization, which is similar to this idea (but better I think).
