Monday, March 10, 2008

The Smurfs and Marxism?

This is an article I found that I thought was very interesting; its writer claims that the cartoon "The Smurfs" is an example of Marxism. Who would have thought after all this time, I grew up watching this cartoon and had never ever thought about the smurfs like this!

Smurfs_2.jpg Smurfs image by TheLittleDebbie


NakiaPope said...

Ummm. . . that was very. . . thorough. I have heard bar conversations about this topic before (these are the sort of bar conversations one has after philosophy seminars), but have not seen it treated so seriously before.

So, Kristen and others, do you agree? Can you find other Marxist examples in popular culture?

Good post!

Kristen R said...

I guess I can agree that some aspects of the Smurf Village do seem to have Marxists characteristics:the smurfs don't have roles and they are all equal for the most part, everyone being equally an owner and a worker and all the smurfs, with the exception of Smurfette, have the same color and wear the same clothes. Like you said though, I would never have imagined anyone taking a child's cartoon to such an extreme. I thought it was pretty funny and found myself giggling throughout reading most of it.