Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This is a video I found that was created at Southern Illinois Unviersity by Larry Hickman, about the life of John Dewey and his views on philosophy, psychology, and education. The clip goes on to define Democracy through Dewey's words, as "a belief in the ability of human experience to generate the aims and methods by which further experience shall grow in ordered richness."

I believe this clip provided a good background sense in Dewey's psychological theories and can be related to his political views on democracy. Hickman has devoted much of his professional life to the study of Dewey and it would be interesting to do more research on articles he may have published that provide more insight into Dewey's beliefs and theories.


NakiaPope said...

These are great, Amy. I know Larry somewhat and didn't know he'd done these videos. Awesome.

Lauren K. Eidson said...

Thanks for posting both of these clips, Amy! They are so informative.