Monday, February 25, 2008

Loss Of A Great Teacher

Last week a fellow teacher passed away unexpectedly. Eric Robinson worked on his Masters here a Winthrop and was in the same cohort as my husband. Mr. Robinson was a well respected colleague, teacher, friend and husband. I was reading the article that the Herald posted about him in today's issue (attached) and I began to think about the effect that we can all have on our students if we are anything like him. As teachers we are going to be stretched to the maximum limit, especially our first year, to reach out to the students. Mr. Robinson's involvement in his school and community are an inspiration to us all. He did not want bragging rights; he just wanted to help people. It is sad that we had to lose a wonderful mentor.

1 comment:

NakiaPope said...

It's sad we lost someone who seems to have been a wonderful teacher.