Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Are creative teachers the same as teaching creatively?

This was an interesting video I found, that discusses the importance of learning styles, creative teachers and ethics in education. Dr. Gururaj Karajagi, is the Director at the International Academy for Creative Teaching in Bengaluru, the capital city of the Indian state of Karnataka. The Academy for Creative Teaching is a unique training institute that deals with all aspects of teacher training and management. Dr. Karajagi is a scientist that follows philosophical paths in his goals to train teachers. I thought it was interesting to see how someone from another culture viewed ethics of teaching, and the importance of creativity. Dr. Karajagi believes you are first and formost a learner, then a teacher. He works hard to incorporate Western thought with Eastern philosophy.


Amy LaFontaine said...

side note: what I want to really know is how I can become a future Guru! :)

Julie Stanford said...

Ha ha!