Hey Guys,
I know this is a little off topic but I wanted to share.
Beware : that if you spare the rod you will spoil the child.
Check out the link from Yahoo.
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A blog by and for students in the Teaching in a Democracy course at Winthrop University. This course focuses on the often conflicting philosophical, social, and historical purposes of American education.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing, George.
check out the comments at the bottom of the yahoo article. Do you think they were spanked as children? haha
Very interesting article George. The comments are intense...
I spank. I also discuss the reason that they were spanked. I believe in discipline. However, if I am angry and emotional, I will not touch my kids. I then have their dad spank them. We also us the corner and take away television. Not all children need spanking. Some (like Palmer) need it. I use it as a form of boundary setting. If you threaten never follow through, that is not good either. It is a decision for every family to make and their is a huge difference between spanking for punishment and abuse. b
Thanks for sharing George! I was spanked as a child, but only when I had done something that could have injured myself or others. It was a tool my parents rarely used, but just knowing that I was going to get a spank on my bottom if I misbehaved was fear enough not to do anything wrong.
I believe kids should be disciplined by loosing a priveldge, we usually lost the right to go out and play, watch t.v., or play with specific toys.
It is important to teach children to be responsible for their actions and learn that there are consequences for actions that are not appropriate. I do believe this needs to be something that each individual family addresses, but I in no way believe children should be physically disciplined on a regular basis.
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