Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ethics Discussion

During last night's discussion on ethics, I felt that I am torn between the consequentialist view and nonconsequentialist view. While they both have valid points, I find it hard on which view to use. It's hard to distinguish whether a particular situation is right, wrong, or simply ethical. When discussing the Christian basketball team who won by 100 points, I listened to a valid argument during class. Although I am not a parent, I believe that if I were to see a basketball team leading by 100 points, I would think the coach and/or players would "let up" a bit in order for the other team to score and have a little fun. On the other hand, as a competitive athlete, I think you should put forth your best effort, regardless if the opposing team is losing by 2 points or 100 points. And who has authority to say whether a decision is ethical or not? Wouldn't that be based on opinion? I think everybody should think ethically when making decisions. Whether that be the consequentialist or nonconsequentialist approach, I am looking forward to learning more about ethics. I think the more I read on how to handle a situation ethically, the better decisions I will make as a teacher when faced with multiple problems and situations.

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

I agree with you Hannah. I feel torn between the two approaches also. I guess I feel like a lot of it depends on the situation. Some situations seem like the consequentialist approach would work best, while others seem like the nonconsequentialst approach would work best for me. I think what you're getting at is every story has two sides. For example, I'm sure the parents of the winning team feel 100% different about the 100-0 game situation than the parents of the losing team. I guess each person views ethics differently based on who they are and what they're dealing with.