Thursday, February 5, 2009


After last night's class, I cannot help but thinkt there is no right and wrong when it comes to ethics. Who determines what is ethical? Each person has to determine for themselves what is ethical. An example of this was presented in class last night in reponse to the girls' basketball team that beat their opponents by 100 points. Some argued that the coach of the winning team was wrong for running up the score on the opposing team and then refusing to apologize. Others countered with the view that the coach was not wrong, because a basketball game is a competition and when competing everyone wants to do their best, and the coach had nothing to apologize for. The issue of game being played in a Christian school conference was added to the mix. Should the fact that the coach was coaching in a Christian school game, make any difference in the question of ethics? I felt that everyone made a good point for how they viewed this situation. How can I decide if what another person does is ethical? I am looking forward to reading and discussing more of our ethics text. I am hoping that I am guided to a better understanding of ethics. I did not know until recently that I was so conflicted regarding ethics!

1 comment:

Hannah Hughes said...

I agree with your question on who determines what is ethical? I believe deciding on what is ethical is based on opinion. Who exactly has the authority to say whether something is ethical? You also made a good point when you asked the question of should the fact that the coach was coaching in a Christian school game make any difference in the question of ethics? If the game was played in a public school, would the decision outcome be different?