Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Ethics of Teaching

On page 121 of The Ethics of Teaching, Soltis and student 1 are discussing God commanding or willing right actions. Soltis provides two answers which he readily admits are not very satisfactory and I agree. However I would like to point out that the second alternative which states "Actions are not right because God commands them. Instead, God commands them because they are right . . .suggests that what is right and wrong is not dependent on God's will" omits God's nature. God's very nature determines what He wills and commands. God IS just. God IS truth. God IS love. Therefore His commands to treat others fairly and to tell the truth and to love others are based on who God is. Because God's commands reflect His nature then it is impossible for God to will or command somethng that is contrary to His nature. Therefore God is the standard of rightness or justicel.

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