Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I would like to comment on the case of Ms. Jones and Johnnie that we discussed last week. We mostly agreed that we would consider it OK to "lie" in order to protect a child. As teachers, we will be faced with seeing children who have been abused. My undergraduate degree is in Social Work. I worked for DSS for 2 years. I had 30 cases with several children in each case. I had to see each child once a month. It was a real shock when I began working at DSS to see how some people live, and the fact that so many children are abused. There is alot of abuse in our society. We will see children with bruises and deal with parents that we know are abusing their child or children. Our job as the teacher is to report it to proper people and let them handle it. This would prevent the teacher from being involved in the situation, as far as the parents know. As teachers, we will see many situations that will be heart breaking. I do not think their is a right or wrong answer when it comes to ethics, because everyone has their own opinions and beliefs.

1 comment:

NakiaPope said...

Are ethics, then, simply a matter of preference, like one's choice in ice cream? There's no right or wrong flavors of ice cream to like, but don't we want to say ethical choices are something different than expressions of preference?