Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Class Reaction - March 25

First of all, I still have a cramp in my hand from all the notes I took tonight. I know Cindy and Linda were our official note takers, but I retain things so much better when I write them down myself. All three of our articles were much more clear to me after our class discussions than when I was trying to wade through them myself. I was particularly glad to hear Dr. Pope say that any one theorist can be located at different spots on any or all of the three constructivist axes from reading #43. I had been trying to understand how to fit some of the theorists we have learned about (Piaget, Vygotsky, Locke) onto just one axis. And I can clearly see how a paradigm shift in science is much more tangible than one in a field like literature or psychology. The Elgin article also had a lot to consider. Understanding vs. knowledge is a comparison I had never considered. Those terms are so often used interchangeably. I was particularly struck by the distinction in how knowledge is expressed (linguistically - spoken or written) versus how understanding can be expressed through broader forms (creativity - a drawing to represent the plot of a story). And there are degrees of understanding, not just the distinct yes or no required when knowledge is accessed. The Siegel article discussion of reasons and principles was another case of terms so often used interchangeably. The subject specific and subject neutral justifications were made more clear through Dr. Pope's Hemmingway example. I am glad we finished with the important question Jennette asked of "How do you teach critical thinking?". I think the tough question for me will be "How do I teach critical thinking in K-3?".

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