Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reading Analysis-Wollf

I think we can all agree that we have had at least one previous teacher, whenever, that teaches solely by grades. I find what Wolff was talking about partly, in my own considerations about grading. It is sad that students who have great insight and passions for an field of study are labeled failures because of math. I remember my college math course, yes only 1. Reading from the book was the professor's way of teaching,word for word. I can read , I read it but didn't always get it. I got the worst grade of my college carrier in that class, mean while in my field of interest I was soaring through the basics. I don't blame him; not totally, I wouldn't want to teach that class either but could have went about it differently. The point was that it pulled my GPA, AHAZen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance again. Colleges choosing from top rankings and certain professions taking only the elite. Our society does the same, people sometimes do the same. I don't disagree with ranking as a matter of choosing the best qualified. I think it is part of what we promote in our neck of the world, competition. It's not always the best decision in the long run but a valid one at the time of entrance into something. At lower levels of education I think perhaps other evaluations should be considered but it cost time and money which right now is a fortune cookie in our economic pocket. We, as teachers should look for a more subtle way so that the focus is not geared towards grades and rank but rather wholeness and understanding. I love to learn about different things however I have never until where I am at now concerned myself with the difference between an A and an B and that's only because I will be looked at by some, not everyone, as a name on a paper with a few numbers but that doesn't tell people what you are capable of.

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