Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Class Reaction

Last week in class we were the topic of principles was brought up. We talked about how certain principles didn't seem as if they were involved with the schools they were suppose to be at. Some parents aren't even sure who the principal of their child's school is because you never see them actually at the school. However, at my daughters school her principle is outside every morning helping with the drop off line. He is there to help open the doors and great all the parents. He has played a very active role in the school attending all school functions outside of the actual school hours. i have been very impressed with this principal. But to hear of other principals who brush off the teachers when they ask how meetings have gone, or principals who are actually never in the school makes me wonder what kind of principal they really are. I know I don't want to be a teacher in a school that the principal is not involved in. I think the whole school staff needs to collaborate together to make a successful school. So do we need to bring principals back into the classrooms? I don't know if it is possible to do that since they do have a lot of meetings they need to tend to but I think it would be a good idea. The other day the movie "Lean On Me" came on TV. That movie is so inspiring to see Mr. Clark come into a run down, drug dealing school and turn the school around. I think all principals need to have that kind of enthusiasm :)

1 comment:

Stacy Y. Woods said...

I agree, I feel it is necessary to have a principal that is visible to staff and parents. I understand principals have several meetings and conferences to attend in order to adhere to their job requirements as well as to better the school and staff. However, I feel it sends a strong and powerful message when parents are able to see the principal involved in some aspect within the school. It shows parents that it is more than just a job and that he/she is devoted to building relationships with the students, parents and faculty. As we have learned collaboration is key within the realm of education.