Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Role of Government in Education

I agree with the concept of the "neighborhood effect," our neighborhoods, and society as a whole, benefit from our citizens being educated. We all benefit from having educated neighbors so we should all pay school taxes; not having children should not exclude anyone from contributing to the school tax.

In terms of denationalizing schools, I do not think it is a good or viable idea. It seems that the point of denationalization is to create better schools through greater competition. It is not clear, however, if doing so would address the critical problem of disparity in our schools. Perhaps revision of our existing system would be a more appropriate solution to such problems?

We should begin reform by rewarding the schools and teachers that perform well, and we should improve the way we assess performance. Teacher incentive could go a long way in increasing competition and overall school performance. In addition, to bridge the disparity gap in our schools we should by revising our tax system to ensure that all of our children receive a fair and equal education. There are many ways that we can improve our system. It just seems that change is often resisted and very difficult to implement.

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