Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Education in America Is Broken"

"The education system in America is broken, because we don't have our priorities in order."

In a recent episode of Glenn Beck on Fox News, he discussed the issues surrounding the DC voucher program debate. His main problem with doing away with vouchers is that these schools are the ones that are actually succeeding and have the encouragement and support behind childrens' parents. He is concerned with spending so much money on a public education system that seems to be failing. He says that "If politicians really cared about children, they'd encourage home schooling, private schools and other alternatives that bring innovation and results." In a poll on the website, "Would more money fix America's public schools?" 93% said No and only 7% said Yes. His solution? Offer more innovation and choice when it comes to education.

I thought this was pretty interesting considering our discussion about public school reform and the different choices of schooling. While these programs are clearly helping students, I still don't think it is fair to say that every public school is doomed and parents who don't send their kids to other schools don't care about their child's education. And I still want to know if most people think public education is bad? Is he saying that we should get rid of public education all together? Is that what people want?,2933,517019,00.html


Anonymous said...

I do not think we should get rid of public schooling because Americans are so fortunate to have it. I taught in Africa where students were paying to go to school, for uniforms, books and supplies. The quality of their education was very minimal, and it made me really appreciate the education that America offered its citizens for free. There are faults, and I agree we need reforms, but I do not think the solution is getting rid of public education.

Mrs. DeFeo said...

Would more money fix America's public schools? 93% said no and 7% said yes.

I'd like to see who Glenn Beck polled for those numbers.

I feel strongly that education is not funded enough right now, and educators are doing an amazing job on what little funding they do have. Is the public education system really failing, or are the "improvement statistics" remaining the same and just not rising?