Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Other- Relating policy talk to inside the classroom.

I completely agree that what goes on inside the classroom needs to influence policy talk. Unfortunately, not all legislatures that develop school reforms have had experience working inside a classroom. Therefore, it is our duty as teachers to voice our opinion and attend district meetings in order to inform the public how school reforms should change. At my high school, the 'Teacher of the Year' is part of a committee of teachers around the district that attend weekly meetings at the District Office. After each meeting, she sends an e-mail out to all teachers at the high school indicating the main points discussed in the meeting. She then asks for feedback from the rest of the faculty. I think this is a great way for the majority of teachers to voice their opinion in a way that eliminates time consuming meetings. I think that the biggest reason why many teachers are not involved with legislative decisions is because of the demanding obligations of being just a teacher. Lesson plans, parent conferences, grading, assigned duties, faculty meetings, tutoring, and the list can go on and on. The demanding duties of a teacher can resort to exhaustion and little energy towards voicing opinions about legislative decisions. However, I at least think that it is a start to include the 'Teacher of the Year' candidates to be THE voice of the school so the policymakers will at least have a point of view from the classroom teachers.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Schrum said...

I also believe that teachers don't get involved with politics due to the demands that they face in the classroom. There just never seems to be enough time for everything. I work 8 hours a day, go to school, 3 hours an evening 3 hours a night, and then do my school work while eating lunch, weekends and wee hours of the morning. I also have a home to take care of, a husband, 3 step children, an acre and a half lot, and my pets and of course guilty feelings because I never see my family anymore. Iam surprised my husband hasn't spoken of divorce :) Just Kidding of course, but there has been a definate strain with everything. I am sure many of you can relate. ....but I am all for ANYTHING that can help reduce time consuming meetings.I also like the idea that the teachers have a spokesperson that can take their concerns to the policy holders. This is definately a more practical approach and most likely more effective than individuals striking out on their own and voicing thier opinions.