Saturday, April 12, 2008

Henry's Solution...Credit Recovery

The link is to a New York Times article discussing the development of credit recovery programs. Apparently credit recovery programs are allowing students to obtain credits needed for graduation by completing certain assignments rather then actually attending class. Several students have taken the credit recovery programs so they do not have to attend class or because they have a failing grade in the course.

I feel we will end up seeing more programs like this with the additional pressures of standardized testing and increasing graduation rates. Many administrator may end up compromising their morals in order to improve graduation rates. Many of the programs seem to have vague criteria and little oversite. Example from the article: "A teacher at another Bronx school, who did not want the name of his school published for fear of retribution, said a program there let students earn a year’s worth of science credits by responding to 19 questions on 5 topics. “Research and list all the global environmental issues that science focuses on,” read one, under the “environmental studies” category. “What are some ways that you, as an individual, can help?” read another."

I personally feel that there is a large temptation for teachers and administrators to use these programs in order to better their class/school statistics. While I feel there are a few responsible students who could use these programs to showcase their knowledge and understanding of the subject, I feel that the majority of students that are going to use these programs are students that are just looking to be bailed out of the responsibility of attending class and passing the course. Although the extreme consequentialist would see these programs as win-win because the undeserving student gets a diploma and the administrators increase the graduation percentage of their schools and get to keep their jobs.

1 comment:

joeeichel said...

I think credit recovery should be offered only under certain circumstances. This is situation in which it should be offered fairly. Those who try their best but can't quite make the grade should be able to receive credit recovery. Those who cut class and goof off and just want to take the easy way out should not be able to receive it.