Friday, April 25, 2008

No one is safe...not even Harry Potter!!!!

As I was looking at stuff on the internet I came across an article on J. K. Rowling. Being a huge Harry Potter fan I am always interested in finding out things concerning my favorite author. The link that I am posting is for the article but here is a brief overview. I found it to be very relevant especially since I presented on copyright. A fan who has a fan-based website wants to publish his “lexicon” on the Harry Potter Books (information posted on his website). Basically the lexicon is a dictionary helping you to understand all the ins and outs of the Harry Potter World. Rowling is claiming that the book is going to prevent her from writing her own Harry Potter Dictionary and the fan is claiming that this book is considered ok under fair use. I found the author’s viewpoint in this article to be interesting. Where do you draw the line from being Web based and ok to being published and not ok. Is Rowling trying to monopolize Harry Potter or is she just trying to snuff out the competition? Very interesting!!

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