Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Intelligent Design and Science

One of the key points that the debate (along with the lineage of court cases) is attempting to point out is that schools must remain neutral to the issue at all times, and the teaching of intelligent design violates this neutrality. You may not promote nor prohibit the teaching of religion in the public school classroom, and intelligent design would infringe upon this. You may not give them equal time for the afore mentioned reasons along with the fact that intelligent design is not science and therefore does not have a place in a science classroom. From the very beginning (of the country, not time) people have sought out a country with a separation of church and state, which would as much support one's individual right to practise the free exercise of religion while maintaining a system that does not respect the establishment of any. It is one of the cornerstones of our free society and to infringe on it would be a great set back to all that has come before.

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