Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just a little more NCLB

I know there has been a lot of discussion on NCLB this semester and I found this article on the front of Yahoo news the other day, so I thought I would share. The majority of the article addresses changes Margaret Spellings, the education secretary, is trying to make to NCLB. One of the points in the article that caught my attention was the intention to better inform students and parents of their rights. Most people do not know about tutoring that is available or that they are allowed to change schools if their current school is continually underperforming. I know in the Charleston area the Post and Courier publishes what schools children are allowed to transfer out of, and what schools they can transfer to. Now in theory these options sound great, but in practice flaws abound. One challenge being students who want to attend a higher achieving school have to leave their friends and be bussed across the city. I found the article as a whole mildly promising. I am a bit apprehensive when in comes to putting to much hope in the improvement of NCLB, but I am excited that there are people trying to improve the implementation of the law.

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