Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Corridor of Shame

This article that I ran across was disturbing to me, I know that most of us in class are planning on teaching here in South Carolina and hearing that there are approximately 40 school districts in terrible states of disrepair frightens me a little.  The fact that the judge in the case found the schools to be acceptable makes me think that he should be forced to work/live in those conditions for a few weeks to see if his opinion doesn't change.  I know that I went to an older school that had some issues and repair needs but overall it was a wonderful experience, a historical school that I took pride in.  These children are suffering from terrible neglect by our state, their self-esteem probably suffers due to the dilapidated state of their schools.  These conditions have to be remedied if our state ever wants to pull itself out of the lower rungs of the educational ladder.



NakiaPope said...

Also see the official link for the film at: http://www.corridorofshame.com/

Well, one could argue that the judge didn't have a lot to work with, given the SC Constitution requires the state provide a "minimally adequate education." Not exactly setting the bar very high.

Excellent link

joeeichel said...
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joeeichel said...

It is true that school districts with good facilities and conditions perform much better than those in a dilapidated state. This is because the condition of the environment the kids are learning in has a direct correlation with their overall attitude about learning. It actually begins with the teachers and spills over into the students. Seeing how this is a mostly poor rural state, there are going to be quite a few school districts that are not going to have the money to repair and restore their schools to good healthy conditions. If the SC constitution states that a minimally adequate education be provided, most districts aren't going to do more than the status quo. That's just the attitude about education these days.

Anonymous said...

I think it's ridiculous that funding is dispersed according to property tax. I have to side with the Marxists here. It does seem that our society is keeping those that are on the bottom at the bottom.